Pipes are a simple and convenient way to handle data transformations within a template, making it easy to present data in a way that is easy for the user to understand.. Pipes take in data as input and return a transformed version of that data. They can be used to format data, perform calculations, or even translate text.
Pipes are useful because you can use them throughout your application, while only declaring each pipe once.
built-in pipes that you can use :
date pipe: Formats a date value according to a specified format.
currency pipe: Formats a number as a currency value, with a specified currency symbol and number of decimal places.
json pipe: Converts a JavaScript object into a JSON string.
number pipe: Formats a number as text, with a specified number of decimal places.
slice pipe: Extracts a portion of an array or string and returns it as a new array or string.
uppercase/lowercase pipes: Converts a string to uppercase or lowercase.
async pipe: Asynchronously subscribes to an observable or promise and returns the latest value.
percent pipe: Formats a number as a percentage value, with a specified number of decimal places.
These built-in pipes are useful for a wide range of data transformations, and can be easily used within your templates to format and manipulate data.
Note:- Additionally, you can create custom pipes if you need to perform more complex transformations.