
What are Criteria of entry and exit in test plan?

Gaurav Gupta

Gaurav Gupta


    Entry Criteria As soon as development team developed the code ,they will deploy the application to testing environment.when the code is deployed to testing enviornment the the testing starts their process is known as entry criteria.Exit Criteria We can determine when the testing is stopped,the testing is stopped as soon as the application is free from the defects and the application is free from the defect then it is in exit criteria.

    Entry Criteria A set of decision-making guidelines used to determine whether a system under test is ready to move into, or enter, a particular phase of testing. Entry criteria tend to become more rigorous as the test phases progress. [R. Black]Exit Criteria A set of decision-making guidelines used to determine whether a system under test is ready to exit a particular phase of testing. When exit criteria are met, either the system under test moves on to the next test phase or the test project is considered complete. Exit criteria tend to become more rigorous as the test phases progress. [R. Black]