
wat is diff b/w compiler and interpreter

RamaKrishna Goli

RamaKrishna Goli


    Compiler compile entire program at one time and show all errors at last.
    But interpreter compile 1 line at a time and stop compilation at the line where it found an error and will not compile next until we remove last error from program.

    Compiler: Compiler reads higher level language computer code and converts it to either p-code or native machine code. Basically the compiler runs much faster, is more compact and has already found all types of syntax errors and many of the illegal reference errors. Compiled code is better for Large applications

    Interpreter:An interpreter runs directly from p-code or an interpreted code such as Basic or Lisp.Interpreted code only finds such errors after the application attempts to interpret the affected code. Interpreted code is often good for simple applications that will only be used once or at most a couple times, or maybe even for prototyping