
This is one of the Interview Question Ask in one of MNC Company Interviewt bl1 Id Sal 1 1000 2 2000 3 3000 Output Asked Was Id Sal 1 1000 2 3000 3 6000 For fist row Sal Should be same,for second row sum of first and second and third row sum of first,second and third.

    create database company go use company create table tbl1 ( Id INT Primary Key Identity, Sal INT(50) ) GOINSERT INTO tbl1 Values((1,1000),(2,2000),(3,3000)) select id, sum(sal) over(order by id) as sal_ from emp

    Select a.id,a.salary,sum(b.salary) as salary from table a cross join table b where b.id<=a.id group by a.id,a.salary

    select Id,sum(Sal) over(order by Id)AS SAL from @tbl

    select Id,sum(Sal) over(order by Id)AS SAL from @tbl

    Select a.id,a.salary,sum(b.salary) as salary from table a cross join table b where b.id<=a.id group by a.id,a.salary

    The query for above question:Select a.Id,(Case when a.Id <> 0 then(Select Sum(Sal) from tbl1 b where b.Id <= a.Id) end) as Sal from tbl1 a order by a.Id