
SubreportProcessing event of Reportviewer not firing

Jagadeesh Maneri

Jagadeesh Maneri


    Hi All,
    I am preparing an application that shows reports based on some queries and parameters passed. Some reports contains subreports where i am having problem to make that subreport get rendered. I have gone thru many posts, discussions while googling, where i can only find people suggesting to use the "SubreportProcessing" event and add a handler for binding datasource to the subreport which i did exactly so to find the same error. :( while debugging i came to know the the method which i had passed to the event handler is not even called, I mean the event is not even triggering. can any one please let me know if there is a way out. is there any limitation for the express edition of the visual studio which i am using in creating application. you can ask me about the complete details finding me @ yahoo messenger. My id is [email protected]
    Thanks in advance.