Why and when do we use relativesource in WPF?
Rajanikant Hawaldar
Below are the uses Of Relativesource That I Know Of In Wpf:
– Getting An Ancestor’S Property:
{Binding Path=Pathtoproperty, Relativesource={Relativesource Ancestortype={X:Type Typeofancestor}}}– Binding To Another Property On The Object:
{Binding Path=Pathtoproperty, Relativesource={Relativesource Self}}– Bind To A Property On The Templated Parent:
{Binding Path=Pathtoproperty, Relativesource={Relativesource Templatedparent}}Or{Templatebinding Path=Pathtoproperty}
Original link
Here is a great article:https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/yougerthen/relativesources-in-wpf/