
Msil stands for what ?

Sandeep Kumar

Sandeep Kumar


    Microsoft Intermediate Language(MSIL).When a .net program is compiled,compiler creates MSIL code,this code is converted according to microsoft understandable instructions without considering operating system.

    Msil stands for Microsoft intermediate language.

    Microsoft Intermediat language

    MicroSoft Intermediate Language

    Microsoft Intermediate Language

    Microsoft Intermediate Language

    MSIL stands for Microsoft Intermediate Language. Which is used to convert our code to machine language.

    Microsoft Intermediate Language

    Microsoft intermediate language

    Microsoft intermediate language.

    When we compile .net code we don't know in what enviroment it will run.So it is converted into machine independent intermediate language called IL.Clr converts this IL code to machine specific code using JIT compiler

    Microsoft Intermediate Language

    Microsoft Intermediate Language(MSIL).When a .net program is compiled,compiler creates MSIL code,this code is converted according to microsoft understandable instructions without considering operating system.

    Microsoft Intermediate Language(MSIL).When a .net program is compiled,compiler creates MSIL code,this code is converted according to microsoft understandable instructions without considering operating system.

    MSIL = Microsoft intermediate languageWhen we compile .net code it is converted into MSIL code then it is converted by CLR to machine level language.

    Microsoft Intermediate Language. All .net code are compiled to MSIL and then converted to native machine code by CLR on run time.

    Microsoft Intermediate Language