
Is it possible to store mixed datatypes such as int, string, float, char, all in one array?

Sandeep Soni

Sandeep Soni


    we can use dynamic array ex- dynamic[] arr = {"abc",11,11.23 };

    yes it is possible for that you need take array as object type.

    We can do that but , Array List is the correct .

    Yes, We can create dynamic array and it is also possible with object array

    It can be achieved using array of object.

    Yes, using a dynamic or object type array

    dynamic[] arr = { “abc”, 11, 11.23, true };
    Console.WriteLine(arr[0] + “ “ + arr[1] + “ “ + arr[2] + “ “ + arr[3]);

    1. ArrayList dynamicArray = new ArrayList(4);
    2. dynamicArray.Add("abc");
    3. dynamicArray.Add(11);
    4. dynamicArray.Add(12.34);
    5. dynamicArray.Add(true);
    6. Console.WriteLine(dynamicArray[0] + " " + dynamicArray[1] + " " + dynamicArray[2] + " " + dynamicArray[3]);

    yes,we can declare the array as an object type
    example :-
    object[] ar = { 22, ‘h’, “All” };

    Yes , we need to create array as an object type or we need to create aarayList.

    No,Because array is a collection of similar dataitems

    Yes,By Using Array List

    yes we can achieve through Dynamic array.