
Interview Process in Wincere Noida for front end Engineer.

Manju lata Yadav

Manju lata Yadav


    They have Technical test and technical question round. they will give a page design and functionality of page .You have to design page in time that you decide for yourself. They will give lunch with there team members and other interview candidates. they will provide all things so that you can feel comfortable there. At the end of interview you will feel happy that you had spend time with very good company either you are selected or not. you will feel like you are at dream company.

    For which post and where it is . Do contact Manju Lata

    Dear Mam, For which profile, the openings are there please brief me... I already describe you that in which profile I want a job. If you interested then give your mail-id and I send my resume to you. This will clear more about me.

    If you have jobs related to SQL_DBA or Oracle-DBA in Delhi-NCR. Please refer me.