
i have one text box call txtamout. when type any amount in the text box. that amount should be display on the another text box call txtInwords with in words. Ex: if i type 50 on the txtAmount text box. the "Fifty" shoud be appear on the txtInWords. Pls help me as soon as possible. Thanks Regards

mohamed lebbe

mohamed lebbe


    use the following code to convert the numeric value to text. On change of numeric value field just call this function to assign the value of text.

    class IntToWord


    static string[] digits = { "", " one", " two", " three", " four", " five",

    " six", " seven", " eight", " nine", " ten",

    " eleven", " twelve", " thirteen", " fourteen", " fifteen",

    " sixteen", " seventeen", " eighteen", " ninteen"};

    static string[] decades = { " twenty", " thirty", " fourty", " fifity", " sixty",

    " seventy", " eighty", " ninety"};

    static string[] decis = { " hundred", " thousand", " lakhs", " crore" };

    static string answer = string.Empty;

    public static string ToWords(int givenNumber)


    if (givenNumber == 0)


    return digits[0];


    else if (givenNumber >= 10000000)


    int crores = givenNumber / 10000000;

    givenNumber %= 10000000;

    return ToWords(crores)+ decis[3] + ToWords(givenNumber) ;


    else if (givenNumber >= 100000)


    int lakhs = givenNumber / 100000;

    givenNumber %= 100000;

    return ToWords(lakhs)+ decis[2]+ ToWords(givenNumber) ;


    else if (givenNumber >= 1000)


    int thousands = givenNumber / 1000;

    givenNumber %= 1000;

    return digits[thousands]+ decis[1] + ToWords(givenNumber) ;


    else if (givenNumber >= 100)


    int hundreds = givenNumber / 100;

    givenNumber %= 100;

    return digits[hundreds]+decis[0] + ToWords(givenNumber) ;


    else if (givenNumber >= 20)


    int tens = givenNumber / 10;

    givenNumber %= 10;

    return decades[tens - 2] + ToWords(givenNumber);


    else if (givenNumber > 10 && givenNumber < 20)


    return digits[givenNumber];



    return digits[givenNumber];

