
i create one project. including setup file. when i install that setup file. couldn't create short cut on the desk top. how can create. pls help me. how can create shout cut on desk top. thanks Regards

mohamed lebbe

mohamed lebbe


    hi Mr Kumar and Raj that work lot of thanks u...

    Hello, i am Nikhil Jauhari, you want to creat shortcut on desktop of your project so you should do these steps: 1- Choose project output 2- then you will see a icon on right side right click on it and choose creat short cut then one more icon will display down it drag that in the userdeskop which is located in the right side .... for more help : [email protected]

    By default setup do not create any short cut to desktop. Follow bellow steps. Step1. Click on User’s Desktop ?Add ? Project output ?Primary output (Your Active project name) Step2. Rt Click on newly added Item (Something like Primary output from WindowsApplication1 (Active)) ?Create short Cut (this will Add a short Cut to User’s Desktop) Step3. Rt click on shortcut’s property ?Target ?Application folder?Primary output Step4. Remove Primary output from WindowsApplication1 (Active)) except the short cut.