
How to declares a two-dimensional array in C#?

Vinod Dua

Vinod Dua


    string[,] strArray= new string[3,3];You can also instantiate it in the same line with array initializer syntax as follows:string[,] strArray = new string[3, 3] {{"a","b","c"},{"d","e","f"}, {"g","h","i"} };For more about the Multidimension array. You can refer following Link. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/2yd9wwz4(v=vs.71).aspx

    string[,] strArray= new string[3,3];You can also instantiate it in the same line with array initializer syntax as follows:string[,] strArray = new string[3, 3] {{"a","b","c"},{"d","e","f"}, {"g","h","i"} };For more information about the Multidimensional Arrays

    int[,] myArray = new int[4,2];

    int[,] myArray = new int[4,2];

    Two Dimensional Array: These are arrays which represent data in the forms of rows and columns. Int [,]=new int[3,4]; Or Int[,] arr; Arr=new int[2,3]; We can identify each and every cell by using row and column index as following: Int [,] arr=new int[4,5]; Arr[0,0]=5; Arr[0,1]=10; We can use getlength method to find no. of rows and column as following: Arr.getlength(0) for Rows Arr.getlength(1) for columns Class tdarray { Static void main() { Int a=5; Int[,] arr=new int[4,5]; For( int i=0;i