
How many types of Validation tool available in ASP.NET?

Nishant Arora

Nishant Arora


    There are mainly 5 types of validation controls are there and 1 control is to summarize the validation errors.They are 1. RequiredFieldValidator - to check for mandatory field 2.RangeValidator - to check for data in the specified range 3. RegularExpressionValidator - to check for data in a particular regular expression 4. ComapreValidator - to compare two data or data types 5. CustomValidator - to attach a custom a control with the help of user defined function 6.ValidationSummary - to summarize all validation error.

    There are six types of validation tool available in ASP.NET. Required field validator,Regular expression validator,compare field validator,range validator,Custom Validator,Validation Summary.

    Required field, Rnge validator, Reguar Expression, Custom validator, Validation Summary, Compare Validator.

    6 types