How many types of Temporary Tables.
ajeet verma
There are two types of temporary table.1.Local Temporary Table: These are only available for the current instance, it will be automatically deleted when the user is disconnected from the instance. To create a local temporary table we use the table name with a # (hash) prefix.2.Global Temporary Table: This table is the same as a permanent table but the difference is only that when all the connections are closed or all the instances are deleted then the table will be deleted. To create a local temporary table we use a table name with a ## (double hash) prefix.if you want to know more about temp table then read my article :
Temporary Tables are two type 1 .Local Temporary Table for more detals go to this link 2 .Global Temporary Table for more detals go to this link
Local & Global
There are two types of Temporary Tables. 1-Local Table As- Create table #tblName () It exist only current window(In SQL Server)/Tab where we declare it. Out of this window/tab it destroy.2-Global Table As- Create table ##tblName() It exist in all window(in SQL Server)/Tab. And it destroy when all connections that have referenced them have closed.
There are two types of temporary table. 1.Local Temporary Table: # (hash) prefix 2.Global Temporary Table: ## (double hash) prefix
Temp table start with # symbol and that are two type : local and global.
Types : Local tables and global tables.
There is Two type of temporary table 1.Local temporary table 2.Global Temporary table
Two type of temporary table 1.Local temporary table 2.Global Temporary table
There is 2 types of Temporary tables and these are (1) Local Table (2)Global Table
Temporary Tables are tow type 1 .Local Temporary Table for more detals go to this link 2 .Global Temporary Table for more detals go to this link
local and global
Plz refer.
ocal temp tables are only available to the current connection for the user; and they are automatically deleted when the user disconnects from instances. Local temporary table name is stared with hash ("#") sign. CREATE TABLE #LocalTempTable( UserID int, UserName varchar(50), UserAddress varchar(150))Global Temp Table-Global Temporary tables name starts with a double hash ("##"). Once this table has been created by a connection, like a permanent table it is then available to any user by any connection. It can only be deleted once all connections have been closed.CREATE TABLE ##NewGlobalTempTable( UserID int, UserName varchar(50), UserAddress varchar(150))
There Are Two Type 1-Local and Global
There are two types of temporary tables: local and global.
Two types of temporary Tables : Local and Global Local #tableName Global ##TableName
There are 2 types of temporary tables Local temporary table and global temporary table.
Local temporary tables are available in same query window where you create that table , outside of that window you can not access that table.
Syntax is very similar to create table just we need to add prefix # with table name like
Syntax :Create table #myTable
Local table are stored inside TempDB database. when we create Local temporary table sql server will add unique id automatically to that table in the end because there may be possibility to create same table with the same name from the other query window so for to make differentiate sql will add that unique key.
Scope of this table is local.
This table will be deleted when we close the query window from where we generate that table.
Global Temporary TableGlobal temporary table is work same as local temporary table difference is that the name of the Global temporary table is unique.Scope of this table is global means everyone can use this table who are not generate this table.
This table will dropped when all the connected users are disconnected from the sql server instance.
Syntax : Syntax is little bit different than local temporary table . we just need to add double ## sign prefix of the table name.
Create table ##myTable