
How many types of contract in WCF

Lalit Raghav

Lalit Raghav


    5 types of Contract in WCF. Service contract,operation contract,data contract,message contract and fault contract

    There is four type of contract in WCF. They are:- 1. Service Contract 2. Data Contract 3. Fault Contract 4. Message Contract

    WCF provides four types of contract1. Service Contracts 2. Data Contracts 3. Message Contracts 4. Fault Contracts

    The following are the contracts are available in WCF: Service contracts Data Contracts Message contracts Fault Contract Operation ContractFor more understanding pls ref below link:- http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/0c1bb2/contracts-in-wcf-service/

    Contracts are 5(not exactly the count) types in WCF. As per my knowledge below are the 5 contracts. 1.Service Contract 2. Operation Contract 3.Data Contract 4. Message Contract 5. Fault Contract.

    Please once go through following link: http://www.dotnet-tricks.com/Tutorial/wcf/3ISW280913-Understanding-different-types-of-WCF-Contracts.html

    Operation Contract Data Contract Service Contract DataMember



    service contract data contract message contractfault contract

    Service Contracts Data Contracts Message Contracts. Fault Contract Operation Contract