
How many events are there in agile scrum?

    5 events -Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, Sprint Retrospective, The Sprint

    Scrum Process Framework can be viewed by means of a sequence of events and the corresponding artifacts. The Scrum events are time-boxed events. That means, in a project, every scrum event has a predefined maximum duration. These events enable transparency on the project progress to all who are involved in the project. The vital events of scrum are-The SprintSprint PlanningDaily Scrum MeetingsThe Sprint ReviewThe Sprint Retrospective

    Sprint Planning
    Daily Scrum
    Sprint Review
    Sprint Retrospective
    The Sprint

    also there are product backlog increment meeting that is not the part of actul scrum event but artifacts transparency.
    if you are working with multiple teams on same product they may be we have to do scrum of scrums

    These five events are:Sprint Planning Daily Scrum Sprint Review Sprint Retrospective The SprintAll are crucially important in their own right.