
Explain ngModel in Angular?

Kirtesh Shah

Kirtesh Shah


Explain ngModel in Angular?

    It is a directive which binds input, select & textarea, and stores the required user value in a variable. we can use that variable whenever we require that value.

    ngModel in Angular is a directive used for two-way data binding. It combines the [()] syntax, which represents both property binding ([property]) and event only up binding ((event)), into a single directive to simplify the binding of data between a component’s model and a form control, like an input field.

    Here’s how ngModel works:

    Binding Input Value to Component Property: You can use ngModel in the template to bind the value of an input element to a property in your component. For example:

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    In this example, the userName property in your component will be bound to the value of the input field. Any changes in the input field will automatically update the userName property, and vice versa.

    Updating Component Property on Input: When the user interacts with the input field, the value they type or select will be automatically reflected in the bound component property (userName in this case).

    Updating Input Value from Component: If you update the component property programmatically, such as this.userName = ‘NewValue’;, the corresponding input field will be updated with the new value.

    Listening to Changes: You can also listen to changes to the input’s value by binding to the (ngModelChange) event:

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    In your component class, you would define the onUserNameChange method to handle the changes:

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    onUserNameChange(newValue: string) {
    // Handle the changed value
    Form Validation: ngModel integrates with Angular’s form validation mechanisms, allowing you to apply validation rules to form controls and display validation messages.

    FormsModule: To use ngModel, you need to import the FormsModule from @angular/forms in your Angular module. This module provides the necessary directives and services for two-way data binding.

    Remember that ngModel should primarily be used with template-driven forms. In reactive forms, you typically use formControlName to achieve similar behavior with a different approach.

    Here’s a basic overview of how to use ngModel in Angular for two-way data binding in forms. It simplifies the process of keeping your component’s data and your form controls in sync, making it easier to create interactive and dynamic forms in Angular applications.