
Do view contain Data?

Sapna Malik

Sapna Malik


    view is a mirror of database ,it does not contains a data..

    yes like mirror, you see it mirror, u got result

    If normal view than it does not contains the data. and if it is materialized view than it contains the data.

    If normal view than it does not contains the data. and if it is materialsed view than it contains the data.

    View does not conatains data it fetch the data from the underlying tables.

    No, view do mot contain data. it contains only the SQL Statement.When we try to fetch the data from view , it internally hits the table and get the data from the table.


    yes views(SQl) can be consider as virtual table containing data.

    No, Views do not have any data for own , it derives data from n number of tables to reduce user Query process, Increase Security..

    Views, generally do not contain data of their own. They are basically SQL Commands stored and they return the resultant data based upon the SQL statement, used as the View definition.

    However, in Oracle, you have a concept of Materialised Views, which actually hold data, based upon the SQL command associated with the same view.

    The views do not contain data and store data.

    No, View does not contain any data. It is just behave like virtual table. When we issue any statement on view, it executes the query to get the rows from the underlying table on which view is been created.