
Different ways to use selector in angular?

Kirtesh Shah

Kirtesh Shah


Different ways to use selector in angular?

    In Angular, selectors are used to define the component or directive’s location in the HTML DOM structure. Here are different ways to use selectors in Angular:

    Element Selector: This selector matches the HTML element tag name. The syntax for element selector is as follows:

    selector: ‘app-component’
    Here, the selector ‘app-component’ matches the tag in the HTML template.

    Class Selector: This selector matches the CSS class name. The syntax for class selector is as follows:

    selector: ‘.app-component’
    Here, the selector ‘.app-component’ matches the HTML element with the class name ‘app-component’.

    Attribute Selector: This selector matches the HTML attribute value. The syntax for attribute selector is as follows:

    selector: ‘[app-component]’
    Here, the selector ‘[app-component]’ matches the HTML element with the attribute name ‘app-component’.

    ID Selector: This selector matches the HTML element with the specified ID. The syntax for ID selector is as follows:

    selector: ‘#app-component’
    Here, the selector ‘#app-component’ matches the HTML element with the ID ‘app-component’.

    Structural Selector: This selector is used to define a directive that modifies the structure of the DOM. The syntax for structural selector is as follows:

    selector: ‘[ngIf]’
    Here, the selector ‘[ngIf]’ is used for a structural directive *ngIf that adds or removes elements from the DOM based on a condition.

    These are different ways to use selectors in Angular, and each selector type has its own syntax and use case.