Can we inherit Static Class in C# ?
Chintan Dave
static classes are sealed classes , they can not be inherit
NO, we can not inherit static class in c# because they are sealed and abstract. There seems to be no good reason to inherit a static class. It has public static members that you can always access via the class name itself.
The compiler will guarantee that instances of this class cannot be created. Static classes are sealed and therefore cannot be inherited. They cannot inherit from any class except Object. ... For more information, see Static Constructors (C# Programming Guide)
We can’t Inherit
Any class which does not contain instance contructor, cannot be inherited. Static class by default do not have non-static contructor (instance contructor) and that is why you cannot inherit it.
Not possible to inherit static class in c#. Basic usage of the static class is to make method and member static and can invoke by using name of the class without creating the object of the static class. The main purpose of the static class is to create only one istance of the member in the memory.
No, When working with static class oop says static class is sealed and can not be inherited by another class.
No, compilation error occurs .
static classes can't be inherited. we can not define static class as derived class from any class except Object class.
No, we can't.
No you cannot inherit
No, It's not possible to inherit Static class.
Static classes are sealed classes so we can't inherit that.