New Idea Idea

Dissable copy paste feature from Articles

Vithal Wadje
  • Respected sir, their are lots of great articles in our site of our members, these articles are open for all users their is no doubt..but one thing should be taken care in future that other persons can not be copy the contents of article and pblish them with his own name on other site. i have given this suggestion because i have seen my own C#-corner published article on other site same copy with other name. so we have alreardy given print article option on our site,also user can download the articles ,if any one need he or she can do those both things that our site given. "so dissable the mouse copy paste,keyboard copy paste feature from C#-corner article so other person can not be copy the contents of articles and publish them his own name on other site". i hope this this feature will be considerable, and how to achive this task i will write a one article with sample application if needed....
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