Please find the requirement and xml and xsd i tried.
<FAXNUMBER>! $ % . _^ * ~ , : ; ‘ # | & “ < ></FAXNUMBER>:-Should not accept
<FAXNUMBER>00000</FAXNUMBER>:-Should not accept
<FAXNUMBER>test</FAXNUMBER>:-Should accept
<FAXNUMBER>test1111</FAXNUMBER>:-Should accept
<FAXNUMBER>123445</FAXNUMBER>:-Should accept
<FAXNUMBER></FAXNUMBER>:-Should accept
<FAXNUMBER>122@()\/{}?-+=[]</FAXNUMBER>:-any special character other than restricted one(! $ % . _^ * ~ , : ; ‘ # | & “ < >) Should accept
XSD i tried:Its is restricting 122@()\/{}?-+=[] scenario also
<!-- 21.06 Turkey June Start -->
<xs:simpleType name="String1">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:pattern value="(^([\d]*[A-Za-z1-9]+[\d]*)$)"/>
<xs:maxLength value="30"/>
<xs:whiteSpace value="replace"/>
<!-- Allowed for empty or null value and restrict special characters-->
<xs:simpleType name="emptyString1">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value=""/>
<xs:enumeration value="(^[^!$%^*._~,:;''#|/&\\"><]+$)?" />
<!-- Union both to allow FAXNUMBER-->
<xs:element name="FAXNUMBER" nillable="true">
<xs:union memberTypes="String1 emptyString1"/>
<!--21.06 Turkey June-End-->
<STREET1>1 Microsoft Way</STREET1>