hey guys,
i need to know, how to dynamically associate certain values stored in an xml file with values used in an object.
for e.g.:
my readmethod (loop runs through the document and calls on certain nodes the readmethod)
private NPC ReadNPC( XmlNode node )
//the next 5 lines have to be replaced...
bool unique = bool.Parse( node["isUnique"].InnerText );
string name = node.Name;
int lp = int.Parse( node["LP"].InnerText );
int atk = int.Parse( node["ATK"].InnerText );
string description = node["Description"].InnerText;
return new NPC( lp, atk, unique, name, description );
and here's my NPC class
public class NPC
private bool unique;
private string name;
private int lp;
private int atk;
private string description;
protected NPC ( int lp, int atk, bool isUnique, string name, string descr )
this.lp = lp;
this.atk = atk;
this.name = name;
this.description = descr;
this.unique = isUnique;
now i want to replace all the un!-dynamic lines reading the xmlnode with some reflective code, managing automatic value setting.
i've already written methods, writing xml files with reflection, so changes/updates in these classes (like NPC), will not cause any greater errors, when it comes to save 'em (but i have to admit, that i'm not very familiar with .NET- Reflection).
btw: the saving methods uses the names of the properties of an NPC-Instance as xmlnode-name.
for e.g.:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<unique>False</ unique >
<name>stdNPC</ name >
<description>text</ description >
< lp >10</ lp >
thanks for ur help :)