
XAML & C# Getting started

Mick Pichard

Mick Pichard


I'm developing a XAML with C#, and I haven't programmed much with C#.
I am finding that the XAML scripting is coming along okay, but I am a little lost with the C#.  I have designed an interface From with Tabs, Buttons, Text fields, Combo boxes etc, and now I am trying to write the C# event code behind the buttons, but I can't even write a command to get the From to close.
I have a few years experiences with C++, VBA, VB.net and Java etc, so I understand the command statements - "MessageBox.Show("HelloWorld");".  However the code "private void cmdClose_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {Page1().close;}" will not work for me and close my XAML form call "Page1".  Why???
Answers (3)