
Xamarin deployment failing with zipalign.exe error

I am using Visual studio 2017 and xamarin android forms for development. A simple nw app is failing to get deployed with zipalign.exe error. below are my build logs
1>C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_152\\bin\jarsigner.exe -keystore
"C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Xamarin\Mono for
Android\debug.keystore" -storepass android -keypass android -digestalg
SHA1 -sigalg md5withRSA -signedjar bin\Debug\\App5.App5-Signed-
Unaligned.apk C:\Users\
1>No -tsa or -tsacert is provided and this jar is not timestamped. Without a timestamp, users may not be able to validate this jar after the signer certificate's expiration date (2048-01-09) or after any future revocation date.
1>C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\build-
tools\25.0.3\zipalign.exe 4 "C:\Users\
Unaligned.apk" "bin\Debug\\App5.App5-Signed.apk"
1>"zipalign.exe" exited with code -1073741819
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