
WTF does this teacher want me 2 do can someone explain it to me pls thx

Jenni Witzel

Jenni Witzel


/*   Description: As in lab 6, this program prompts for */

/*                and accepts information about an      */

/*                hourly employee and calculates wages  */

/*                and taxes using a class named         */

/*                Employee. This lab will also prompt   */

/*                for the employee's name, calculate    */

/*                overtime pay and loop to allow        */

/*                multiple employees.                   */

/*                                                      */


using System;

using SC = System.Console;

public class FLastLab07

{ //Main Method

    public static void Main()


        string eName, hoursWorkedStr, rateOfPayStr;

        double hoursWorked, rateOfPay;


Oval: Priming Read        SC.WriteLine("Lab 7 – Your Name");

        SC.Write("\nPlease input Employee Name: ");

        employeeName = SC.ReadLine();


        while (employeeName != "Quit")

Oval: Loop logic – code from Lab 6
goes here plus you must call 
the PrintName method        {






Oval: Get the next name

            SC.Write("\nPlease input Employee Name: ");

            employeeName = SC.ReadLine();

        }   // end of loop


        SC.WriteLine("\nEnd of Lab 7\n");

    }   // end of Main method

}   // end of Main class


class Employee


Oval: employeeName is new and so is the PrintName method    private string employeeName;    


    private double hoursWorked, rateOfPay, grossPay, stateTax,

                   federalTax, ficaTax, netPay;


    public Employee(string eName, double hrsWorked, double rate)


        employeeName = eName;

        hoursWorked = hrsWorked;

        rateOfPay = rate;



    public void PrintName()

Oval: \t is a tab    {

        SC.WriteLine("\nEmployee Name:\t{0}", employeeName);



Oval: Modify this to calculate overtime pay when needed    public void CalculateGrossPay()


        if (hoursWorked > 40)

            . . .


            . . .


        SC.WriteLine("Gross pay is:\t{0,10}", grossPay.ToString("C"));



    public void CalculateStateTax()


               // same



    public void CalculateFederalTax()


               // same



    public void CalculateFICATax()


               // same



    public void CalculateNetPay()


               // same


}   // end of Employee class