
Wrong Shipping and billing Addresses

Sushil Singh

Sushil Singh

I'm having very strange issue with Magento I think that may be a bug.
After I've created test order I have wrong data in:
Store Emails , Order Details Address and Order Details Items.
For Example , I've made order With Customer Data:
Aleksandra Nowak Street: Testowa Ulica City: Testowe Miasto
I've selected the same shipping and order address.
After I continued my order I got 1 email from my shop with complete wrong address data and sometimes wrong item prizes. In order details i have the same wrong address.
What i did to solve the issue:
I saw in logs and in admin panel that order Id is 53 so I've checked sales_flat_order_addresand sales_flat_quote_address tables. Data in this tables is correct
I've created observer on sales_order_save_before and I've created log of Quote , Order, shipping address and shipping method - Data is correct
My questions:
How It's possible that magento doesn't get proper address by order Id from database ( I see that parent_id in sales_flat_order with Id 53 have proper address, the same with sales_flat_qoute with Id related to my order have proper address too)
Is there any way to repair this issue or I have to change /core directory to new one downloaded from magento page ?

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