
Writing Stored Procedure in C# - Getting Security Exceptions




Hopefully this is the right place to post this..

I working on my first "project" in Visual Studio which when finished will be a stored procedure running on SQL Server 2005.  I'm writing the Stored Procedure in C#.  The problems I'm having is regarding Security Exceptions, and I don't know how to get around them, and being new to Visual Studio, .Net Framework and C#, I really am stuck.

What I would like to do unless its not a good idea is to be able to develop and build my code locally and then deploy the solution or whatever its called to the server that will be executing it.  In some cases I will need file access permission and more likely, file access to a shared network drive.  I will also need permission or access so that I can run/debug/develop this code on my local pc.  Am I making sense? Hopefully...

So when I create a new project is it better for me to save it on the server that will be using it, or does it not matter?  What do I need to configure so that my code can run free of these security exceptions?  Is there something I can place in my code?

What I am trying to accomplish right now is writing a stored procedure in C# that will query a view and send the results to a text file where the text file is on a shared network drive. 



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