
Write the code for this program in C Sharp and Algorithms

malek sh

malek sh

Development of a computer program for the account of employees, as the program has two types of users
(Manager "Employer" and "Employee"), each with its own user interface. Each user logs in
To the program using a unique identifier (ID) and a password that has no less than eight characters and contains numbers and alphabetical characters.
Just start with an alphabet.
When running the program, the following interface should appear in order to determine the type of user:
1: employer
2: employee
3: exit
The manager performs the following tasks:
1- Adding a new employee;
2- Approving the employee's payments related to lunch meals documented in regular invoices, provided that it does not exceed the amount of each
Of which / 5000 / pounds per day.
A schedule of invoices is sent
On the twentieth of each month to the principal for the past 30 days;
3 - Calculation of the average daily payments for each employee;
4 - Calculating the monthly amount that must be paid to each employee, as the monthly salary is combined with the daily average
For payments multiplied by the number of days of the month;
5- Calculating the annual performance bonus for employees, as there are two types of employees, permanent and contracted. For this purpose, it was done
Classifying all employees into three categories (A), (B) and (C.) Administrative personnel are placed in Category (A) while
Non-management employees are placed in category (B) or category (C.). Employees are in category (A) and contracted employees.
Employees with less than nine months of service are not eligible for the award. The amount of the reward is determined
For employees who qualify for the bonus according to the number of points they have obtained, the points value ranges between 1
And 155, as follows:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Number of monthly salaries (bonus)
> = 80
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> 2
>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 1.5
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > 5
6- View a list of all employees, their numbers and names;
7- View a list of all employees, their numbers, and the daily average of payments for each of them during Sunday
The employee performs the following tasks:
1- Knowing whether or not the manager has approved a specific invoice with its own serial number;
2- Knowing the number of points obtained during the current year;
3- Knowing the number of points obtained by the rest of the employees belonging to the same category;
4- Knowing the amount that he will receive at the end of the month, during the last week of each month;
5- Request to validate an invoice.
Write the algorithms needed to create the required program in Pseudocode then C #, and test it.
Arrays can be used to store data for tests.
Answers (1)