
Write a class that implements a 5-Heap ? c or c++ or java





I need a formal help of this as i'm a c# coder and i dont know how to do this in other lang's
Write a class (or a set of functions, if you are using C) that implements a 5-Heap (i.e., each node has up to 5 children) using an array as discussed in class. Each node of the heap contains two elements: a priority level (integer), and a string value.

Implement insert(priority, string_value) that inserts an element in the heap, and delete_max() that removes the value with the highest priority and returns the corresponding string value. (Do not implement delete_min). Since delete_min is not required, optimize the heap structure for delete_max. Write a program that inserts 1,000 random elements in your 5-Heap, and then outputs them from the highest priority value to the lowest using delete_max(). (The heap will be empty at the end of the program.) Output only the result of delete_max(), one element at a time, such as:

681469 "element 1"

529834 "element 2"


I have no clue were to start and any help is dearly appreciated .
PS: can be done by anyone of these c , c++ , java  .
Thanks & Regards 
Answers (2)