
WP8/C# - display and Navigating from one html page to anothe



I am developing a daily devotional that has different devotion for each day. Instead of hard coding it i.e
copy pasting for each day in the code, i want to store everything in html files in my project folder
and refference it to appear in the webview. I already have list of html files in my assets folder which
i will like to read in my webview locally and more like:

1. How to navigate from one html page to another in a single webview locally
2. I will like to to develop the app in a way that each message(html file) of the day will
be shown to the user automatically after the splash screen, without the user having
to navigate to the message of the day for example

If the message (html file) of 10/30/2015 (God is love) , 10/30/2015 (Faith works miracles),
etc it should be shown to the user immediately after the splash screen for each day
3. How to add zoom control to webview

Kindly help