
Working with picture box in C# windows application forms.

Manuel Portelli

Manuel Portelli

Hi to all.

I was working on an application in windows forms using C# in Microsoft visual studio.

I'm not new to windows programming but i am new in using the picture box.

My question may seem very dumb but i please if you can help me out.

My application is simple: It simply accepts 3 integer values and it determines if these values can sides of a triangle or not, plus it also deduces (if it is a triangle) the type i.e. equilateral, isosceles, scalene triangle. 

When the user enters the three integers, the user must press a button "Get Results" and after pressing this button, i made a picture box showing the type of triangle.
I used this code:

 pb1.Image = new Bitmap("C:\\scab.bmp");

But the problem is that if i remove the images from that location, it gives a run-time error! So what code should i use so that these images can be saved in the applet and if i use it on another PC it wont crush.

I know that these types of applications my have to include a "resources" folder with them but if possible how can i do so that this applet is a a single file and can be executed anywhere without having to carry the images around every time.

Thanks for you support... Hope i have a suitable answer ASAP!.

Best Regards & Happy Holidays to everyone
Manuel Portelli
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