
Working With Disc Brunning Using IMapi.

Nihal Ahmed

Nihal Ahmed

ello all,
I am on a stage where i need to write a folder in disc and add some files in that folder from my local drive and so on,
it is ok to make a folder in disc even ok to write files in disc as bulk data But i am having problem in writing data in perticular Directory in Disc,
Here is the Code
public void BurnDirectory(IDiscRecorder2 recorder, List<String> Images, List<String> Videos,String DiscLabel)
IDiscFormat2Data dataWriterImage = new MsftDiscFormat2Data();
dataWriterImage.Recorder = recorder;
if (!dataWriterImage.IsRecorderSupported(recorder))
Console.WriteLine("The recorder is not supported");
if (!dataWriterImage.IsCurrentMediaSupported(recorder))
Console.WriteLine("The current media is not supported");
dataWriterImage.ClientName = "My Disc";
IFileSystemImage fsi = new MsftFileSystemImage();
// Set the media size
fsi.FreeMediaBlocks = dataWriterImage.FreeSectorsOnMedia;
if (DiscLabel != "")
fsi.VolumeName = DiscLabel;
fsi.FileSystemsToCreate = FsiFileSystems.FsiFileSystemISO9660;
IFsiDirectoryItem ImageDir = fsi.Root;
Boolean Flag = true;
for (int i = 0; i < Images.Count; i++)
if (Flag)
//ImageDir = fsi.CreateDirectoryItem("Images");
Flag = false;
ImageDir.AddTree(Images[i], false);
IFsiDirectoryItem VideoDir = fsi.Root;
Flag = true;
for (int i = 0; i < Videos.Count; i++)
if (Flag)
Flag = false;
VideoDir.AddTree(Videos[i], false);
IFileSystemImageResult result = fsi.CreateResultImage();
IStream stream = result.ImageStream;
DiscFormat2Data_Events progress = dataWriterImage as DiscFormat2Data_Events;
progress.Update += new DiscFormat2Data_EventsHandler(DiscFormat2Data_ProgressUpdate);
dataWriterImage.ForceOverwrite = true;
dataWriterImage.Write(stream); // Burn the stream to disc
progress.Update -= new DiscFormat2Data_EventsHandler(DiscFormat2Data_ProgressUpdate);
catch (Exception ex)
throw (ex);
In short, I need to add some folder lets say images and add some files in it.
Please Help me