
Word Templates updating from SQL Server dtabase

Balaji Yerukola

Balaji Yerukola

Hi All,

Currently I have a requirement which is follows:

I have a word template which contains some text information and with some fields like "ADDRESS" and "DATE" "NAME" in the word templates.

I have developed a Windows forms application with C#.Net and SQL Server Database. The windows forms application contains the navigation buttons like "FIRST","NEXT","LAST","PREVIOUS". and a button called PRINT as well as some text boxes to show the records in the database while navigating.

Whenever user clicks PRINT button it have to take a word template from a shred folder and it will update all the above said fields which are available in the WORD document with the current record details. This is some thing like MAIL MERGE activity.

Please help me to resolve the issue. And also please possible solutions in order to fulfill my requirement.

Thanks in Advance
Balaji Yerukola

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