
Windows 10 Start Menu Opens Programs in New Window

James Webb

James Webb

Hi All,
I have had windows 10 for a while now, so far I haven't had any problems, just the occasional annoyance that can be fixed with a quick search on line.
I do however have a problem that I can't find a solution for and was wondering if anyone else had managed to fix this. I mainly have the issue with chrome but it applies to all applications. When I search for a program in the start menu, I would prefer that if the program is already running that that program is then brought to the top / brought to focus.
For example, if I have chrome already open but I have it minimised and I'm using another application, I want to be able to:
  • Hit the start button
  • Type Chrome
  • Hit Enter
  • See the existing chrome window appear.
Whereas at the moment a whole new window of chrome will appear, leaving the original window minimised. It's not a major issue but its a small annoyance.
After searching on line I have found answers on how to do the OPPOSITE to this, where a new instance of chrome is opened. This was achieved as follows:
 How to open a new window of a desktop app from the Start screen


  • Open Registry editor and go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ImmersiveShell
  • Right click ImmersiveShell, and create a new key called Launcher.
  • At HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ImmersiveShell\Launcher, right click in the right pane and create a new DWORD value called DesktopAppsAlwaysLaunchNewInstance.
  • Double click it and set its value to 1.

enter image description here

  • Log off and log in back or just restart Explorer as we showed in this previous post.

That's it. Now try launching a Desktop app from the Start screen. It will always start a new instance.

 magicandre1981 - http://superuser.com/questions/631967/how-do-i-make-windows-8s-start-menu-always-open-applications-with-open-as-new
Naturally I assumed changing this registry value to 0 would mean that the start menu would never open an application in a new instance. Needless to say it didn't work.
So my question is really, is anyone else having a similar issue and has anyone found a solution to this?
Many Thanks,
James Webb 
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