
Windows Service not calling Web Service appropriately

Matthew Cox

Matthew Cox


I am working on a project that requires creating a windows service that consumes a ASP.Net Web Service periodically. The web service polls XML documents, parses them, and stores the persistent data in a db (Sql Server 08). This isn't my preference for the design but work with me, I'm not the boss lol =P
The Windows Service uses asynchronous threads to consume the web service for polling different documents based on a timer. So far, if only one thread is active, then the service is consumed appropriately and the db has the data required. Once I introduce more threads then everything falls apart. I am brand new to programming windows services so even debugging (i.e attaching to a process) is new to me. I figure it is some type of race condition or synchronization issue. Any help or input would be great.
Note: No records are entered into the db with this version of the code.
partial class WinDriverService : ServiceBase
   private DatabaseHandler wthInfoDb, wthAlertDb ;
   private System.Timers.Timer wthInfoTimer;
   private System.Timers.Timer wthAlertTimer;
   public WinDriverService()
      wthInfoDb =
new DatabaseHandler();
      wthAlertDb =
new DatabaseHandler();
   protected override void OnStart(string[] args)
      Thread wthInfoThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(WthInfoThread));
      Thread wthAlertThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(WthAlertThread));
   private void WthInfoThread()
      double interval = wthInfoDb.PollerConfig_ObtainTimerValue("Weather Info");
      interval = (interval > 0) ? interval * 60 * 1000 : 60000 * 45;
//either (mins * secs/min * ms/sec) or 45 mins
      wthInfoTimer =
new System.Timers.Timer(interval);
      wthInfoTimer.Elapsed +=
new ElapsedEventHandler(wthInfoTimer_Elapsed);
   private void WthAlertThread()
      double interval = wthAlertDb.PollerConfig_ObtainTimerValue("Weather Alerts");
      interval = (interval > 0) ? interval * 60 * 1000 : 60000 * 45;
//either (mins * secs/min * ms/sec) or 45 mins
      wthAlertTimer =
new System.Timers.Timer(interval);
      wthAlertTimer.Elapsed +=
new ElapsedEventHandler(wthAlertTimer_Elapsed);
   private void wthInfoTimer_Elapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
PollingWebServiceSoapClient app = new global::PollerWebService.PollingWebServiceSoapClient();
PollerEntry[] entries = app.PollWeatherInfo();
         if (entries.Length > 0)
            TimelineController tlc = new TimelineController();
      catch (Exception ee)
   private void wthAlertTimer_Elapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
PollingWebServiceSoapClient app = new global::PollerWebService.PollingWebServiceSoapClient();
PollerEntry[] entries = app.PollWeatherAlerts();
         if (entries.Length > 0)
            TimelineController tlc = new TimelineController();
      catch (Exception ee)
   protected override void OnStop()
      wthInfoTimer.Enabled =
      wthAlertTimer.Enabled =