
Windows Phone 8 SD Card and Device Files Access

Aditya Patil

Aditya Patil

I think there is restriction to access the files of the SD Card and Device in app, so File Explorer app is not present for Windows Phone 8, but Files app came for Windows Phone 8.1 which gives access to all files and folders of the SD Card and the Device Memory. But I saw many applications for Windows Phone 8 also have Access to Internal structure of the Device, Some developers tries to develop the File Explorer for Windows Phone 8 too.
I want to open and give file access to all the files of the SD Card as well of Device Memory, and open those files in our app, means if in our SD Card or Memory, there is any pdf file or doc file or png file, it should open in our app itself, it should not use launcher and open on other applications. So please help me.