
Windows Form Display Order



Hi. I have a problem that is making me crazy. I am trying to display a series of 3 Windows forms. I have a main form which displays a bitmap background and a menu. Once I select a particular menu item, I wish to display Form1. No problem so far. I would like to hide Form1 temporarily and display a custom confirmation box that uses the main form as a background. The problem is that if any other application window is open like the debugger or explorer, the confirmation box is shown on that application rather than on my main form. It is as if the application z-order becomes disrupted. I have tried moving where I call Form1.Visible to show the form before I call the new one and .SendToBack, and .BringToFront to no avail. Do you know a way that I can manipulate the z-order? Thank you in advance!!!!! Code example: CBCMsgBox oCBCMsgBox = new CBCMsgBox("Confirmation","Are You Sure You Want To Continue?", "Yes",DialogResult.Yes, "No", DialogResult.No); // this.Visible = false, tried here as well as this.Parent.Visible and .SendToBack and .BringToFront DialogResult dr = oCBCMsgBox.ShowDialog(); //this.Visible = false; // tried here as well if (DialogResult.Yes == dr) { // Show Form2 }