
why rows height not equal on dateable

ahmed salah

ahmed salah

Mar 13

I work on asp.net core razor pages i face issue rows not have same height why this issue happen 

i use datatable 

html table 

   <div id="paginatationData" class="pagination" style="margin-top:5px;">
           <select id="page-length">
               <option value="5">5</option>
               <option value="10">10</option>
               <option value="15">15</option>
               <option value="20">20</option>
               <option value="25">25</option>
               <option value="-1">All</option>
   <div id="Grid" style="margin-top:5px;">
       <form id="FrmDisplayData" method="post" style="width:130%;">
           <table id="example" class="nowrap" style="height:500px;">
          @*  <table id="example" class="display" style="width:100%;
   table-layout:fixed;overflow-x: auto;max-width: 100%;"> *@

                       <th class="sorting">LPO NO</th>
                       <th class="sorting">Item Code</th>
                       <th class="sorting">Asset Id</th>
                     @*   <th class="sorting">AccountCalssName</th> *@
                       <th class="sorting">Class</th>
                       <th class="sorting">Sub Class</th>
                       <th class="sorting">Description</th>
                       <th class="sorting">DetailClassName</th>
                       <th class="sorting">SelectedMCUName</th>
                       <th class="sorting">Parent Id</th>
                       <th class="sorting">Serial No</th>
                       <th class="sorting">Asset Owner</th>
                       <th class="sorting">Emp Id</th>
                       <th class="sorting">Module</th>
                       <th class="sorting">TaggingModule</th>

                   @if (Model.DisplayAssetTaggingDetails.AssetWithTaggingListData != null)
                       @foreach (var AssetData in Model.DisplayAssetTaggingDetails.AssetWithTaggingListData)

                               <td style="word-wrap: break-word;">@AssetData.SelectedMCUName</td>


jquery code

           var initialPageLength = 15; // Set the desired initial value

           // Set the initial value of the dropdown

    //----hashed before-----
           var table = $('#example').DataTable({
               "bFilter": false,
               dom: 'Bfrtip',
               autoWidth: false,
               "paging": true,
               "scrollXInner": "120%",
               // "scrollX": true,
               "order": []

           $('#example').find('th, td').addClass('dt-wrap').css({
               'height': '30px',     // Set the desired height value
               'padding': '8px'    // Set the desired padding value

           // Set the initial value of the dropdown

           // Set the number of rows per page and redraw the DataTable
           $('#page-length').on('change', function () {
               var selectedValue = parseInt($(this).val()); // Get the selected value from the dropdown
               table.page.len(selectedValue).draw(); // Set the number of rows per page and redraw the DataTable
           // Trigger the change event to update the table
           // $("#page-length").trigger("change");
          //--apply word wrape---
           var columnsToWrap = [4,5,6,7,8,9]; // Specify the column indices to apply text wrapping

           columnsToWrap.forEach(function (columnIndex) {
               $('#example tbody td:nth-child(' + columnIndex + ')').each(function () {
                   var $cell = $(this);
                   var text = $cell.text();

                   // Add a CSS class to the cell if the text is long
                   if (text.length > 7) {

issue display as image below rows not have same heigh so how to solve this issue please

Answers (2)