I joined C-sharpcorner in October 2018. It is really a good community as I see lot of good people who are contributing to technology every now and then. I have become fan of Mahesh Chand and Vidya Vrat sir for their continuous knowledge sharing. I am avid writer of my technical and daily life experiences. I found out the article life cycle needs an improvement over here. Sometimes the article I post over here gets approved in 2-3 days and sometimes it might take even 7-10 days. While the system still says that if your article is correct it will be live within 24 hours. But I notice sometimes its status not even change to be in review for 2-3 days. Which is sometime very disappointing. We as author create a demo for our article, do some reseraches and then after investing 2-3 days write an article and then it is left in submitted state for an uncertain timeframe.
I had discussion with other prominent authors as well and they also complain. They say earlier it used to be approved within 24 hours only but now there is some issue.
Being an technologist cum entreprenuer I also feel that there might be increase in number of articles that come to you over time. But a process should be defined such that system should share the expected time so that author is informed. It would be great if you take some measure over here. There should definitely be a max time limit for a article to get review. Might be you even increase that 24 hours deadline but a fix time over here will help author to plan accordingly.