
why do I use SQL Server Management Studio to update a row ?

Dong Lam Trien

Dong Lam Trien

why do I use SQL Server Management Studio to update a row of a table in SQL Server 2005 but it's not row was update ?
A few days ago me to use SQL Server Management Studio to update a table in Microsoft SQL Server 2005. In Object Explorer, you right-click the name of the table, and then I click Open Table. I update a row of the table normal but now I do it again. I may receive one of the following error messages unexpectedly in the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio dialog box:
No row was updated
The data in row 61 was not committed
The statement has bên terminated
Correct the errors and retry or press ESC to cancel the change(s).
You see the attached image file: https://imgur.com/AGunmMF 
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