
where function cross temp table not return data update status

I work on SQL server 2012 I face issue I can't update status with No data returned
where no result returned from select statement cross apply function
meaning where nothing returned from select statement then update status to nothing data returned
  1. create table #TempPC   
  2. (  
  3.     PartNumber NVARCHAR(300),  
  4.     CompanyId INT,  
  5.     Status   nvarchar(200)  
  6. )  
  7. insert into #TempPC (PartNumber,CompanyId)   
  8.         values  
  9.         ('9C06031A2R43FKHFT',1233345),  
  10.                     ('VJ0805AIR5CXAMT',8433324)  
when select below not return data then update status with nothing data returned
  1. Select t.PartNumber,t.CompanyName,pc.FamilyName,t.Status FROM  #TempPC t  
  2. cross apply  [PC].FN_PartCheck_Test( t.[PartNumber],0,1,1,t.CompanyId) pc  
  3. Where pc.GroupID>-2 And pc.PortionID>-2  
so what I need to do when any parts and company on temp table temppc not return data from select statement cross apply then update status with no data returned for this part
  1. Expected Result  
  3. PartNumber                         CompanyId         status  
  4. 9C06031A2R43FKHFT             1233345                No data returned   
  1. so How to do that Please ?  
  3. select * from [PC].FN_PartCheck_Test( t.[PartNumber],0,1,1,t.CompanyId) pc  
  4. return  
  5. ID PartNumber,CompanyID,FamilyID
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