I work on SQL server 2012 I face issue I can't update status with No data returned
where no result returned from select statement cross apply function
meaning where nothing returned from select statement then update status to nothing data returned
- create table #TempPC
- (
- PartNumber NVARCHAR(300),
- CompanyId INT,
- Status nvarchar(200)
- )
- insert into #TempPC (PartNumber,CompanyId)
- values
- ('9C06031A2R43FKHFT',1233345),
- ('VJ0805AIR5CXAMT',8433324)
when select below not return data then update status with nothing data returned
- Select t.PartNumber,t.CompanyName,pc.FamilyName,t.Status FROM #TempPC t
- cross apply [PC].FN_PartCheck_Test( t.[PartNumber],0,1,1,t.CompanyId) pc
- Where pc.GroupID>-2 And pc.PortionID>-2
so what I need to do when any parts and company on temp table temppc not return data from select statement cross apply then update status with no data returned for this part
- Expected Result
- PartNumber CompanyId status
- 9C06031A2R43FKHFT 1233345 No data returned
- so How to do that Please ?
- select * from [PC].FN_PartCheck_Test( t.[PartNumber],0,1,1,t.CompanyId) pc
- return
- ID PartNumber,CompanyID,FamilyID