I work on sql server 2012 query I face issue : when run query return 10 rows for only one part
it take 50 second I try to run it in another time may be pc have more load
but it take same time 50 second to return 10 rows for only one part .
I have may be 10000 part and records may be 15 million so I need to enhance performance to be best
so what I do to make query run in small time
this is my query
- if object_id('tempdb..#getDeliveryConfiguration') is not null drop table #getDeliveryConfiguration
- if object_id('tempdb..#finalTable') is not null drop table #finalTable
- select dvc.Z2FeatureID as Z_FeatureID, AVO.acceptedvaluesoptionid as DkFeatureId,AVO.Name as DK_Feature,dvc.ModuleId,dvc.SplitFlag,dvc.separator,dvc.separatororder,dvc.starFormat,EndFormat,dvc.statusid,dvc.DkFeatureName2 into #getDeliveryConfiguration from [Parts].[DeliveryModuleConfiguration] dvc with(nolock)
- INNER join Nop_AcceptedValuesOption AVO with(nolock) on AVO.AcceptedValuesOptionID=DkFeatureId
- where dvc.ModuleId is not null
- Declare @companyName nvarchar(200) =
- N'AVX Corporation'
- declare @partNumber nvarchar(200)=
- Select distinct top 100 [Is Match]= case when isnull(NAVO.Name ,'') = DUFP.Value or (isnull(NAVO.Name ,'') = N'N/A' And DUFP.Value =N'-') then cast(1 as bit) else cast(0 as bit) end
- ,DDD.ColumnName [Flat Feature],DUFP.FeatureName [Sourcing Feature],NAVO.Name [Flat Value],DUFP.Value [Sourcing value]
- ,C.CompanyName,p.PartNumber,dd.DataDefinition [PL]
- , isnull(AVOS.Name,'') ApprovalStatus
- ,isnull(rl.local_url,'') [local url],isnull( l.local_url,'') [DataSheet] ,isnull(NAVOUrl.Name ,'') [Data Sheet Type]
- ,isnull(NV.DKValue,'') [DK Value],FM.StatusId,FM.SplitFlag,FM.DkFeatureId,FM.separator,FM.separatororder
- ,NPP.PartID , DUFP.ZpartID,starformat,Endformat into #finalTable
- from #getDeliveryConfiguration FM with(nolock)
- join [Excel_DK].dbo.Excel_DK DUFP with(nolock) on DUFP.FeatureName =FM.DK_Feature
- join [Z2DataCore].[Parts].[Nop_Part] p with(nolock) on DUFP.ZpartID =p.PartID
- join [Z2DataCompanyManagement].[CompanyManagers].[Company] C with(nolock) on p.CompanyID = C.CompanyID
- left join [Z2DataCore].[parts].[Nop_PartParamtric] NPP with(nolock) on NPP.PartID = DUFP.ZpartID
- left join [Z2DataCore].[dbo].[Core_DataDefinitionDetails] DDD with(nolock) on FM.Z_FeatureID=DDD.ColumnNumber
- join [Z2DataCore].[Parts].[Nop_PartParamtricAttribute] NPPA with(nolock) on NPP.[PartParamtricID] =NPPA. [PartParamtricID] and DDD.ColumnNumber= NPPA.[Key]
- left join [Z2DataCore].[dbo].[Nop_AcceptedValuesOption] NAVO with(nolock) on NPPA.Value =NAVO. AcceptedValuesOptionID
- left join [Z2DataCore].[dbo].Nop_AcceptedValuesOption AVOS with(nolock) on AVOs.AcceptedValuesOptionID= NPPA.ApprovalID/*[ApprovalStatus]*/ and AVOS.AcceptedValuesID=2941
- LEFT JOIN Z2URLSystem.zsrc.Local_URL l with(nolock) ON l.rec_id = NPPA.SourceURLID
- left JOIN [Z2DataCore].Parts.Nop_PartsFamilyAttribute fa with(nolock) ON fa.PartFamilyID = p.PartsFamilyID AND fa.[Key] = 20281007
- left JOIN [Z2DataCore].dbo.Core_DataDefinition dd with(nolock) ON dd.ZproductCategoryID = fa.Value
- LEFT JOIN [Z2DataCore].Parts.Nop_PartsFamilyAttribute Nfa with(nolock) ON Nfa.PartFamilyID = p.PartsFamilyID AND Nfa.[Key]=1400040081
- LEFT JOIN Z2URLSystem.zsrc.Revision r with(nolock) ON r.rec_id = Nfa.Value
- LEFT JOIN Z2URLSystem.zsrc.Local_URL rl with(nolock) ON rl.rec_id = r.local_id
- Left join [Z2DataCore].[dbo].[Nop_AcceptedValuesOption] NAVOUrl with(nolock) on NPPA.SourceURLType =NAVOUrl. AcceptedValuesOptionID
- left join [Z2DataCore].dbo.Core_DataDefinitiondeTails CDD with(nolock) on CDD.ColumnNumber=NPPA.[Key] and CDD.FeatureType in(2044,2043)
- left outer join [Z2DataCore].dbo.Core_DataDefinition CD with(nolock) on CD.ID=CDD.DataDefinitionID
- left join [Z2DataCore].[dbo].[NormalizationValue] NV with(nolock) on NAVO.AcceptedValuesOptionID=NV.AcceptedValuesOptionId and NV.ProductID=CD.ZNumber
- where C.CompanyName=@companyName And DUFP.PartNumber=@partNumber
- order by DUFP.FeatureName
- and execution plan as below :
- https://www.brentozar.com/pastetheplan/?id=HyclwfSev