I'm practicing a database and I have a 3-column table. I'm using binary formatting to save/open the file. I can't see what is wrong with my code –
I can display records ok when I press the save button
I can also save the records ok when the save/close button is pressed.
When I reopen the programme and press the reload button to reload the dataset, additional records will not be displayed nor saved though original records will be showing.
When I reopen the programme and DO NOT press the reload button, I can enter new records and they will be saved because this is basically overwrites the original dataset.
Ideally, I want to be able to open the dataset and then be able to add new records to the dataset/datatable.
Any help and advice on how to correct this?
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Runtime.Serialization
Imports System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary
Public Class Frm_DataEntry
Dim ThePoint As New Point(540, 150)
Public TheRecord As DataRow
Dim ii As Integer
Private Sub Frm_DataEntry_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Me.Location = ThePoint
End Sub
Private Sub Tbx01_FirstName_Enter(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Tbx01_FirstName.Enter
End Sub
Private Sub Btn01_Save_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Btn01_Save.Click
TheRecord = Frm_Mainform.dt_Table.NewRow
TheRecord(Frm_Mainform.dt_Col02_FirstName) = Tbx01_FirstName.Text
TheRecord(Frm_Mainform.dt_Col03_LastName) = Tbx02_LastName.Text
Frm01_WithDGV.DGV01.DataSource = Frm_Mainform.ds_Dataset
Frm01_WithDGV.DGV01.DataMember = Frm_Mainform.dt_Table.ToString
Frm01_WithDGV.DGV01_BS_Col01_PKey.DataPropertyName = Frm_Mainform.dt_Col01_PKey.ToString
Frm01_WithDGV.DGV01_BS_Col02_FirstName.DataPropertyName = Frm_Mainform.dt_Col02_FirstName.ToString
Frm01_WithDGV.DGV01_BS_Col03_LastName.DataPropertyName = Frm_Mainform.dt_Col03_LastName.ToString
Dim ii As Integer
ii = Frm_Mainform.dt_Table.Rows.Count
End Sub
Private Sub Btn02_SaveAndClose_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Btn02_SaveAndClose.Click
Dim Filename As String = "PermitToWork.pmt"
Dim fStream As FileStream
Frm01_WithDGV.DGV01.DataSource = Frm_Mainform.ds_Dataset
Frm01_WithDGV.DGV01.DataMember = Frm_Mainform.dt_Table.ToString
Frm01_WithDGV.DGV01_BS_Col01_PKey.Width = 90
Frm01_WithDGV.DGV01_BS_Col02_FirstName.Width = 125
Frm01_WithDGV.DGV01_BS_Col03_LastName.Width = 125
Frm01_WithDGV.DGV01_BS_Col04_Date.Width = 125
Frm01_WithDGV.DGV01_BS_Col01_PKey.DataPropertyName = Frm_Mainform.dt_Col01_PKey.ToString
Frm01_WithDGV.DGV01_BS_Col02_FirstName.DataPropertyName = Frm_Mainform.dt_Col02_FirstName.ToString
Frm01_WithDGV.DGV01_BS_Col03_LastName.DataPropertyName = Frm_Mainform.dt_Col03_LastName.ToString
If File.Exists(Filename) Then
fStream = New FileStream(Filename, FileMode.Create)
Dim binFormat As New BinaryFormatter
binFormat.Serialize(fStream, Frm_Mainform.ds_Dataset)
Catch anex As ArgumentNullException
MsgBox("The inventory could not be accessed")
Catch ex As SerializationException
MsgBox("The application failed to retrieve the inventory")
End Try
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Btn03_Reload_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Btn03_Reload.Click
Dim Filename As String = "PermitToWork.pmt"
Dim fStream As FileStream
If File.Exists(Filename) Then
fStream = New FileStream(Filename, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite)
Dim binFormat As New BinaryFormatter
Frm_Mainform.ds_Dataset = binFormat.Deserialize(fStream)
Frm01_WithDGV.DGV01.DataSource = Frm_Mainform.ds_Dataset
Frm01_WithDGV.DGV01.DataMember = Frm_Mainform.dt_Table.ToString
Frm01_WithDGV.DGV01_BS_Col01_PKey.Width = 90
Frm01_WithDGV.DGV01_BS_Col02_FirstName.Width = 125
Frm01_WithDGV.DGV01_BS_Col03_LastName.Width = 125
Frm01_WithDGV.DGV01_BS_Col04_Date.Width = 125
Frm01_WithDGV.DGV01_BS_Col01_PKey.DataPropertyName = Frm_Mainform.dt_Col01_PKey.ToString
Frm01_WithDGV.DGV01_BS_Col02_FirstName.DataPropertyName = Frm_Mainform.dt_Col02_FirstName.ToString
Frm01_WithDGV.DGV01_BS_Col03_LastName.DataPropertyName = Frm_Mainform.dt_Col03_LastName.ToString
Catch anex As ArgumentNullException
MsgBox("The inventory could not be accessed")
Catch ex As SerializationException
MsgBox("The application failed to retrieve the inventory")
End Try
End If
Frm01_WithDGV.DGV01_BS_Col01_PKey.Width = 90
Frm01_WithDGV.DGV01_BS_Col02_FirstName.Width = 125
Frm01_WithDGV.DGV01_BS_Col03_LastName.Width = 125
Frm01_WithDGV.DGV01_BS_Col04_Date.Width = 125
Dim ii As Integer
ii = Frm01_WithDGV.DGV01.Rows.Count
End Sub
End Class