
When I am trying to develop a web part in Office 365

Hello All,
Please help me,  I have got one Error in SharePoint Ofc 365 Like this .
Web Part Error: Sandboxed code execution request failed. Correlation ID: 94480e9d-d01f-2000-1387-e841ab62f3fb. 
 I have added a Custom web part .
The web part having two fields like X and Y .
when I am clicking on Search Button then data will fetch form related List  and showing in Grid View .
the list having more than 1 lakh data, when  I clicking in Search button then it was taking too much time to process and after some time I have got one error that mention on top .
But it was working fine When I was developing in my local system and it was also working on Sharepoint online when the list was having few records .
 Now I am always got same type of error please tell me how to resolve  that problem .