when click page number on paging angular 7 it accumulate ?
I make paging on angular 7 app
firstly app load with paging without any proplem meaning if i give 10 rows per page
when load component it display correct
problem strat when click page 2
it become 20 rows displayed on screen
if i click 3 it become 60 rows displayed on screen
i need when click page 2 display second ten rows
but not accumlate records on screen
so how to solve this issue please ?
so i get code forom this link
pag1 display 20 rows
page2 display next 20 rows
this not happen it display for second page 40 rows why
- import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild, ElementRef } from '@angular/core';
- import { Router } from '@angular/router';
- import { ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/router'
- import { DisplayreportService } from '../displayreport.service';
- import { reportfilter } from '../reportfilter.model';
- import * as XLSX from 'xlsx'
- import * as FileSaver from 'file-saver';
- import { PaginationService } from '../pagination.service';
- import { JsonPipe } from '@angular/common';
- import { reportsperpages } from '../reportsperpages';
- const EXCEL_TYPE = 'application/vnd.ms-excel;charset=utf-8';
- const EXCEL_EXTENSION = '.xlsx';
- @Component({
- selector: 'app-reportdetails',
- templateUrl: './reportdetails.component.html',
- styleUrls: ['./reportdetails.component.css']
- })
- export class ReportdetailsComponent implements OnInit {
- @ViewChild('TABLE', { static: false }) TABLE: ElementRef;
- title = 'Excel';
- reportid: string;
- datareturned: any;
- searchData: any = {};
- reportdetailslist: any[];
- headerCols: string[] = [];
- contentBody: any[] = [];
- reportList: any[] = [];
- FilterList: any[] = [];
- FilterBinddata: any[] = [];
- ReportData:any={};
- pageNumber: boolean[] = [];
- pageField = [];
- exactPageList: any;
- paginationData: number;
- ReportPerPage: any = reportsperpages.large;
- totalReports: any;
- totalReportCount: any;
- ParamReportid : string;
- pageNo: any = 1;
- currentPage = 1;
- AllReports=[];
- smallPageRow: boolean = true;
- mediumPageRow: boolean = false;
- largePageRow: boolean = false;
- small = reportsperpages.small;
- medium = reportsperpages.medium;
- large = reportsperpages.large;
- constructor(private router: ActivatedRoute, private _displayreport: DisplayreportService,public paginationService: PaginationService) {
- }
- ngOnInit() {
- const paramIndex = window.location.href.indexOf('id=');
- if (paramIndex > 0) {
- let param = window.location.href.substring(paramIndex);
- let param1 = param.split('&')[0];
- let param2 = param.substr(param.indexOf('=') + 1);
- this.ParamReportid=param2;
- console.log(param2);
- this.pageNumber[0] = true;
- this.paginationService.temppage = 0;
- this._displayreport.GetReportFilteresById(param2).subscribe((data: any[]) => {
- this.FilterList = data;
- console.log("Filter reports" + this.FilterList);
- });
- console.log ("value of report id" + param2)
- this._displayreport.GetReportFilterBind(param2).subscribe((data2: any[]) => {
- this.FilterBinddata = data2;
- console.log("Filter reports2" + this.FilterBinddata[1].reportSource);
- });
- this._displayreport.GetsubReportsById(param2).subscribe((data3: any) => {
- this.ReportData = data3;
- console.log("databyid" + JSON.stringify(this.ReportData) );
- });
- this.searchData.PageNumber=this.pageNo;
- this.searchData.RowCountPerPage=this.ReportPerPage;
- this.searchData.ReportID=param2;
- this._displayreport.GetReportDetailsPaging(this.searchData).subscribe((data: any[]) => {
- this.reportdetailslist = data;
- console.log("details is" + data )
- this.totalReportCount=this.getAllReportsCount();
- console.log("total count is " + this.totalReportCount)
- var assignwhennull={};
- Object.assign(assignwhennull,data)
- this.headerCols = Object.keys(data[0]);
- console.log("header col" + this.headerCols);
- data.forEach((item) =>{
- let values = Object.keys(item).map((key)=> item[key]);
- this.contentBody.push(values);
- console.log("contenet " + JSON.stringify( this.contentBody));
- });
- console.log("data " + this.reportdetailslist)
- });
- }
- console.log("thank you ahmed");
- }
- showReportsByPageNumber(page, i) {
- this.AllReports=[] ;
- this.pageNumber = [];
- this.pageNumber[i] = true;
- console.log("value of page " + this.pageNumber[i])
- console.log("value of i " + i)
- this.searchData.PageNumber = page;
- this.getalldatareports();
- }
- totalNoOfPages() {
- this.paginationData = Number(this.totalReportCount / this.ReportPerPage);
- let tempPageData = this.paginationData.toFixed();
- if (Number(tempPageData) < this.paginationData) {
- this.exactPageList = Number(tempPageData) + 1;
- this.paginationService.exactPageList = this.exactPageList;
- } else {
- this.exactPageList = Number(tempPageData);
- this.paginationService.exactPageList = this.exactPageList
- }
- this.paginationService.pageOnLoad();
- this.pageField = this.paginationService.pageField;
- }
- getAllReportsCount() {
- this._displayreport.GetReportDetailsPaging(this.searchData).subscribe((data2: any[]) => {
- this.totalReportCount = data2[0].totalCount;
- console.log("count rows is " + this.totalReportCount);
- this.totalNoOfPages();
- })
- }
- showPrevReports() {
- if (this.paginationService.showNoOfCurrentPage != 1) {
- this.paginationService.prevReports();
- this.pageNumber = [];
- this.pageNumber[0] = true;
- this.currentPage = this.paginationService.pageField[0];
- this.getalldatareports();
- }
- }
- showNextReports() {
- if (this.paginationService.disabledNextBtn == false) {
- this.pageNumber = [];
- this.paginationService.nextReports();
- this.pageNumber[0] = true;
- this.currentPage = this.paginationService.pageField[0];
- this.getalldatareports();
- }
- }
- setRecPerPage(noOfRec) {
- this.AllReports = [];
- this.pageNumber = [];
- this.pageNumber[0] = true;
- this.paginationService.temppage = 0;
- if (noOfRec == reportsperpages.small) {
- this.smallPageRow = true;
- this.mediumPageRow = false;
- this.largePageRow = false;
- this.ReportPerPage = noOfRec;
- this.currentPage = 1;
- this.pageNumber[0] = true;
- this.getalldatareports();
- }
- else if (noOfRec == reportsperpages.medium) {
- this.smallPageRow = false;
- this.mediumPageRow = true;
- this.largePageRow = false;
- this.ReportPerPage = noOfRec;
- this.currentPage = 1;
- this.pageNumber[0] = true;
- this.getalldatareports();
- } else {
- this.smallPageRow = false;
- this.mediumPageRow = false;
- this.largePageRow = true;
- this.ReportPerPage = noOfRec;
- this.currentPage = 1;
- this.pageNumber[0] = true;
- this.getalldatareports();
- }
- }
- getalldatareports()
- {
- console.log("welcome" + JSON.stringify(this.searchData));
- this._displayreport.GetReportDetailsPaging(this.searchData).subscribe((data2: any[]) => {
- this.reportdetailslist=[];
- this.reportdetailslist=null;
- this.AllReports = data2;
- console.log("details is" + data2 )
- this.getAllReportsCount();
- var assignwhennull={};
- Object.assign(assignwhennull,data2)
- this.headerCols = Object.keys(data2[0]);
- console.log("header col" + this.headerCols);
- data2.forEach((item) =>{
- let values = Object.keys(item).map((key)=> item[key]);
- this.contentBody.push(values);
- console.log("contenet " + JSON.stringify( this.contentBody));
- });
- });
- }
- }