What is the event for adding a new database record on datagridview?
Hi all.
I'm trying to figure out how to get the DataGridView control to work when AllowUserToAddRows = true.
I can bind fine the gridview to the access database, but when I try to add a record, meaning as soon as I start to type, the private void dataGridView1_UserAddedRow(object sender, DataGridViewRowEventArgs e) event fires and adds a blank record (or fails when i re-add the validation). Have tried it using a few other events, but this was the only one that actually added the data to the database.
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. I also need to know how I can get the value of the cell for the selected row...ie, value for address1, address2, city, etc. So that I can (if I end up having to) run the TableAdapter.Insert(param1, etc).
Thanks in advance,