
What is the difference between these two lines of code???

Jackson Brown

Jackson Brown


I have two lines of code giving me VERY different results and can't figure out why. Behavior is the same on XP & Vista.

Line A: frmACT_Toast.ShowToast("ASDF", "XYZ", null, null);

Line B: frmACT_Toast.ShowToast("ASDF", "XYZ", null, null);

I know they are the same the only difference I can figure out is how they are executed and something that must go with that under the covers.

A dll is loaded to process incoming data. When data is rx of a certain type it will display a screen toast. Line A the screen toast is called by the dll. Line B the screen toast is called by a test form with a single button I created to try and figure this out. So what is the form and or button click doing differently than the dll call?

I have even identified where in the screen toast they behave differently but no errors are thrown so again I am at a loss.

With line A the screen toast runs this routine(public static GraphicsPath CreateRoundedRectPath(Rectangle rect, int radius) {} Creates a pretty little toast) 1 time only then seems to get hung yielding this result.

The process hangs but the system does not.

However Line B, runs the same method (public static GraphicsPath CreateRoundedRectPath(Rectangle rect, int radius) {}) 10 times as it builds the gradient and yields this result.

Any help as to what I am missing would be greatly appreciated.
Answers (2)