
What is C-SharpCorner's Architecture and Technology stack ?

Ano Mepani

Ano Mepani

I didn't find any specific category to ask this question. So I have Selected Asl the Author Category.
However, As most of us are aware of C-SharpCorner.com which is the largest tech community for sharing knowledge.
We would like to know:
  1. Which type of architecture and Technology Stack used by C-SharpCorner?
  2. Which type of challenges C-sharp corner faced and how they overcome this challenges by choosing specific framework or library or technology?
  3. Why have they chosen specific technology or tools to work efficiently and handle this largest number of request from User?
  4. Security and performance technique, Error handling or monitoring etc.
  5. How pageview are calculated for published, republished or other states as well.
These are just questioned but would like to know success or inspiration story of C-Sharpcorner.com
Answers (1)