
website setup creation in asp.net




Dear all,

I am a beginner in asp.net. I made asp.net website using asp website template in visualstudio 2005. It is asp.net website not web application template.

I want to make the websetup for that. I used websetup project in order to make setup of that one. In the file system editer there is  webappllication folder and a bin folder in that. I added project out put file..Only content files are displayed in the project output window.. no primary output file. I added that one and build the websetup. The set up is created .. but i dont no how to acces that one..i dont no how to access my website using this setup... Any one pls help me ... I  want to know the fulldetails from making setup  to executing it ..


I am very thankful to all of you...

Pls hel me...








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